World of test and calibration
World of test and calibration
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54 products
Rotronic CO2 Display for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Visualising Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Rooms
The nVision Lab Reference is a pressure reference recorder accurate enough to function as a laboratory deadweight tester replacement and a high-accuracy, high-frequency chart recorder. Download data as you test, view your data on the built-in LCD, and store up to 1,000,000 data points.
Light small tester for various application SOLAR HiTESTER 3245.
Oxygen analyser XZR200
Other equipment
Configurable outputs: 4-20 mA and 0...10 V DC or RS232 comms interface
Cycling 3.3 V DC logic output allows direct monitoring of the O2 sensor for diagnostic purposes
Can be calibrated in normal air, 20.7 % O2, or in any other known O2 concentration
Selectable output filtering allows fast and dynamic or slow and stable output
Externally triggered automatic or...
-1...9 BAR Pressure gauge
Pressure gauges
-1...9 Bar Technical pressure gauge, accuracy 1,6%
The nVision Lab Reference is a pressure reference recorder accurate enough to function as a laboratory deadweight tester replacement and a high-accuracy, high-frequency chart recorder. Download data as you test, view your data on the built-in LCD, and store up to 1,000,000 data points.
30bar nVision Pressure Module
Pressure range: 30 bar
Accuracy: 0.025% rdg(30%-100% of range)
-1...0 BAR Pressure gauge
Pressure gauges
-1...0 Bar Technical pressure gauge, accuracy 1,6%